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Financial Aid

Parents or Guardians of the Tushka Senior Class:

The University of Oklahoma is offering the Crimson Committment Program which means if a student is approved for Oklahoma Promise, then this program will pay for tuition and average fees.  This is an amazing opportunity if the senior would like to attend the University of Oklahoma.  The student would get all fees, tuition, paid and still have money left over to use in other areas of their college career.  If you are a senior or the parent of a senior, then this is a program in which you should apply.  The qualifications are:

Qualify fully for Oklahoma Promise 

Apply to OU buy February 1st

Be admitted to OU directly from High School

Have completed the FAFSA

Enroll as a full time student 

Visit at or (405)325-2151           


Today all Sophomores were given the OKPromise application.  There is an online version or paper and pencil.  The students were told that this is the last year that they can apply for OKPromise.  Each student was told to take these applications home to their parents or guardians, and please fill it out.  As always parents income must be below $55,000. dollars annually, and the student must maintain a 2.5 GPA .  Also students are prohibited from drug and alcohol usage.  If these goals are met then the State of Oklahoma will pay all tuition for college or trade school for up to five years.  I encourage you to fill these out which will only take about ten minutes because it will be incredibly helpful duing the students’ days after high school.  If you need another application or help in any way just call the school at 580-889-7355 or just come by.  I truly encourage to fill this out and do not let this opportunity pass by.  


Today all Freshman were given OKPromise applications.  All information on the application was reviewed, and they were told to take these home to mom, dad, or caregiver.  The total annual income to qualify for this program is $55,000. Also students must refrain from alcohol and drugs to be eligible.  A 2.5 GPA at graduation is required.  If all these areas are met, then the student will qualify for all tuition to be paid for five years.  Also, remember it will pay for trade school as well. I strongly encourage all parents to take time and complete these applications.  It will be so valuable to you and your student.



Today the eighth grade class discussed OKPromise and its requirements.  Parents or gurardians can only have income not to exceed $55000. and students must maintain a 2.5 over the next four years.  Also, students must refrain from drugs and alcohol.  They have knowledge of all these factors that it takes to get into the program, but the first step is filling out the application, so please take the time to fill out this application.  This is tuition for five years: whether trade school or college.  If you need another application, feel free to call at 580-889-7355 or just drop by.  I will be happy to visit with you and help anyway I can.  I strongly feel you should take the time to do this.